While smoking isn’t as common as it used to be, the regulations for bringing cigarettes on a plane are still quite relaxed.

According to TSA regulations, you can bring cigarettes on a plane in both your carry on and checked bags, with no quantity limit if you are flying domestically, though restrictions apply if you are flying internationally.

When flying to the U.S. from an international destination, you can bring up to 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars.

Can You Bring Cigarettes on a Plane?

If you are flying domestically within the U.S., there are no quantity limits for how many cigarettes you can bring with you in either your carry on or checked bags.

If you are flying internationally, restrictions apply.

If you exceed these restrictions, it may be possible to pay duty and taxes on the excess amount.


If you are returning to the US, you can bring up to 200 cigarettes and 100 cigars.

However, if you are travelling from American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), or the Virgin Islands of the United States, you can bring up to 1,000 cigarettes (5 cartons), not more than 200 of which acquired elsewhere than in such locations.


According to the CBSA, if you are flying to Canada, you can bring up to 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 200 grams of tobacco, and 200 tobacco sticks.


EU regulations state that if you are arriving from an EU country, you can bring up to 800 cigarettes, 400 cigarillos, 200 cigars, and 1 kilogram of pipe or cigarette tobacco.

If you are arriving into an EU country from a country outside the EU, including the U.S., you can bring up to 200 cigarettes, 100 cigarillos (max 3 grams each), or 50 cigars, or 250 grams of smoking tobacco, or a combination that makes up these amounts.


Mexico allows passengers to bring up 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 200 grams of pipe tobacco.


According to gov.uk, if you are flying to the UK, you can bring up to 200 cigarettes, or 100 cigarillos, or 50 cigars, or 250g of tobacco, or a combination that makes up these amounts.

You Might Be Able to Bring Cigarettes If You’re Under 21

Depending on the country you are flying from/to, it may be illegal to bring cigarettes on a plane if you are under 21.

In the U.S. the legal age for the sale of tobacco products is 21, so it would be illegal to fly with cigarettes when entering or leaving the country.

In Europe, the legal smoking age is 18, so you can legally fly within and from these destinations with cigarettes if you are under 21.

Make Sure You Pack E-Cigarettes in Your Carry On

The TSA state that you can bring electronic cigarettes on a plane, though only if packed in your carry on bags.

The TSA also state that you “are required to take effective measures for preventing accidental activation of the heating element of the device when transporting the device.”

Additionally, “each lithium-ion battery must not exceed a Watt-hour (Wh) rating of 100 Wh; or for lithium metal batteries, a lithium content of 2 grams”.

You Can Bring Chewing Tobacco on a Plane

According to the TSA, you can bring chewing tobacco on a plane in both your carry on bags and checked bags.

Keep in mind that there are several countries around the world that have outright banned smokeless tobacco products, including chewing tobacco, though.

And Cigars Too

You can bring cigars on a plane in both your carry on and checked bags.

If you are flying domestically within the USA, there is no limit to how many cigars you can bring on a plane.

If returning to the USA, you are allowed to bring back a maximum of 100 cigars, though are not allowed to bring back any Cuban cigars, regardless of where they were purchased.

As Well As a Lighter, Matches and Tobacco Pipe

The TSA state that you can bring a lighter on a plane.

You can pack both disposable and Zippo lighters in your carry on bags, but torch lighters are not allowed.

You are also allowed to bring a single box of safety matches on a plane in your carry on bags only.

The TSA state that you can pack a tobacco pipe in both your carry on and checked bags, too.

No Airline Lets Passengers Smoke

Prior to the 1970s, in-flight smoking was both legal and widespread.

Today, there are no airlines that still allow smoking onboard, though there have been reports that on some flights in China and Iran, smoking has been seen.

It’s a Very Bad Idea to Smoke on the Plane

In the U.S., if you’re caught smoking on a plane, the most likely result is a fine that can range from $2 to $4,000.

However, if you are found to have tampered with a smoke detector, or failed to comply with a crew member’s instruction to stop smoking, you can be arrested.

Ella Dunham, a Freelance Travel Journalist and Marketing Manager, boasts an impressive career spanning eight years in the travel and tourism sectors.

Honored as one of "30 Under 30" by TTG Media (the world’s very first weekly travel trade newspaper), a "Tour Operator Travel Guru" and "Legend Award" winner, Ella is also a Fellow of the Institute of Travel, a Member of the Association of Women Travel Executives, has completed over 250 travel modules, and hosts travel-focused segments on national radio shows where she provides insights on travel regulations and destinations.

Ella has visited over 40 countries (with 10 more planned this year).